Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Mark~3 years~3 months

3 years, 3 months...oh how the time has flown.
Things I want to remember about you...
You find every fire hydrant, fire engine, rescue vehicle, police car, ambulance imaginable

When I come home from work you ask me, "Wanna play firefighters, mom?" or cooking or trains whatever suits you mood at the moment.

You love to play cook. The 2 plastic chickens named "the yellow one" and "the brown one" are your favorite

You love to pretend to make Mommy's coffee and after giving it to me, run over with the pepper shaker and make it "spicey" for me mostly b/c you love my reaction to spicey coffee

Despite your bickering at times, you love Ria intensely always keeping an extra eye out for her

You make the most hilarious faces and run past the bathroom door when Ria is on the potty each time acting out a different role, monster, robot or just jogging by. This makes Maria laugh hysterically. You love making everyone laugh.

You LOVE peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and would love to eat them at every meal

When I was leaving for work one morning, you said to me, "Me and Ria and Daddy go with you to work on your puter so we can be together."

You love group hugs, holding hands and giving kisses where you hold both sides of my face, plant one on me and hold it there for at least 5 seconds

You love puzzles and are very good at it

You love to play the guitar and sing songs

I think this list could go on forever.

I love you my handsome boy. mwah

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Looking Back~1 Year

I took this pic on their birthday morning.

See those curls starting?

She always had gorgeous shiny hair and look at those baby blues.

Looking Back~9 Months

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Looking Back~6/7 Months

Num-Num, you are tasty!

First time eating cereal and lovin' it!

Such a little angel face. Is that chin to die for or what?!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Looking Back~3 Months

Well, finding time to post has proven more difficult. We had to postpone the kids' bday party b/c we all came down with a horrible stomach virus the weekend of the original date. We have rescheduled for Easter. It will be a day filled with Bunny and Birthday surprises. I only hope that they don't think they will get a party on Easter next year.
Here's a look back at when they were 3 months old. Can you believe the size of their cheeks?!?! Definitely biting material.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Looking Back

The kids will be turning 3 years old very soon. I thought it would be nice to take a look back at the beginning. I can't believe how tiny they were. Mark was 4 lbs 12 oz and Maria was 3 lbs 8 oz.

Mark Jr.


Can you see how tiny she is? I loved that cap on her. It was a hand knit donation to the NICU. We still have it.

Look how sweet he is.

I love this picture. He was really listening to his Daddy.

I started calling her peanut right away.
Going home pics. Yeah, yeah, mommy was not prepared for clothing that would actually fit them properly. With 2 babies on monitors, my mind was on more important stuff.

She hated the car seat. She cried every time the car stopped on the way home.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Long TIme No Blogging

Hello~I'm so sorry that I've neglected the blog. I used to update at night. With my hours changing in June, night time is very short before I go to bed. So to try and recapture the past few months, I'll post a handful of pictures. To start, here's a video of Maria that I took with my cell phone. She is so darn cute.