Friday, December 30, 2011

Where do they learn this stuff?

Warning...this post will make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside...grab the tissue box.

The other night while putting the kids to bed, I kissed lil' Mark and then I noticed a little boogey coming out of his nose. He said, "What?" I replied, "You have a little boogey, let me get a tissue." Before I could get up, he grabs me with all his might, tries to pull me towards him and says, "Give me a kiss!!!" All the while giggling his brains out. I screech and start laughing, "No way!!" After both of us recover from our giggling session, he then gives me this funny look, jumps up from laying down, gets on all fours and then lets one rip!!!! I screeched in disgust and laughter. I tried so hard not too laugh, but I did. I then tried to muffle it by telling him it's not polite to pattoo in Mommy's face and not to do it again.

Kids do the darndest things.

Pop-Pop -- this post is dedicated to you!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

First Day of PreK

I cannot believe these kids started PreK today. Where has the time gone?

Cutie Patootie
Devastatingly Handsome
Are you excited about school??!!

Some summer pics

wanted to be a part of the action
carnival day at school -- see the sad face in the background? he had a train going across is forehead but smooshed it before I could take a picture.
proud little engineer -- he made that house all by himself
Crazy Hair Day at school
First time eating lobster
silly pals

We didn't do much this summer. Unfortunately, we have no pics of the kids in their little pool at home. This past weekend the hurricane tore the pool to pieces. So sad...on a happy note, take a look at those sweet faces.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

It's been a while

This post is prompted by my Dad. He misses the blog and so do I.
Quick recap of the year...
I changed my role at work, twice
Mark got a job in December 2010
Kids started school and really enjoy it
So the kids have been in school for 7 months now. It was a rough start being sick so much, but (knock on wood) they have been pretty good for a while. We've just had bouts of pink eyes, colds and scarlet fever, yeah apparently it still exists.
Two weeks before the kids' birthday Maria wrote her name for the first time. I placed in on the fridge. Mark followed soon after. He was hesitant to do his school work. Yes, they had homework during the school year once a week. Now, he enjoys doing it and LOVES to learn. He asks tons of questions. I mean, a billion questions a day. Maria loves to play teacher and "reads" her books to her imaginary students. Many times, it's in front of our bedroom mirror.
These kids have grown up so much over the past year it's scary. They LOVE each other immensily b/c I see how much they enjoy each other's company. They play pirates and princesses, cops and robbers, robots, name it, they love it. Their imagination is awesome.
It's late.
I should go to bed.
I love you, Mom. I hope you get better soon. You have to teach me how to make your spagetti sauce.
I love you, Dad. Thanks for pushing MOI :o) to post.
Hopefully I can make it a weekly event.