Saturday, July 5, 2008

My Secret Garden

Maria getting a ride from Mark and Daddy.

Mommy, Help!! Daddy's a c-r-a-z-y driver!
Maria has learned to "pretend" eat her food. It's adorable to hear her go "num, num, num" as she gently kisses the plastic food.
What's up Doc?

Can I come in? Nope.
Never mind, I found a way.
There's always time to smell the flowers.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Got Milk?

Here's what happens when Mommy leaves the room for less than one minute. She is a DEVIL.

PEEK-A-BOO! I love when he peeks through his fingers.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

No more BaBas

Well, I knew the day would come at some point but I didn't realize how much it would hurt. From what I read, the kids should have stopped using bottles at 12 months. I ignored it b/c they are technically 2 months behind and Maria also needed to keep her weight up. Now, at almost 16 months, I know that it's best to do the switch. Tonight I told Mark (oh gosh, here comes that lump in my throat again), that if I really gave it some thought Friday when we decided to go cold turkey that it was there last bottles Thursday night, I would have savored every moment of snuggling with them while they drank at night. They are very loving kids and still want their snuggles, but there is something special about the bottle. I know I'm probably blowing it out of proportion, but I think there are some mother's out there that probably understand.